Writer, Artist, Poet & Rainbow-Surfing Ruminator

“Guiding you, in words and pictures, towards the freedom to be your 

most fully-expressed self.”


About Helius

            ~ they/them/theirs



I have always found it most useful and rewarding to be the Me I am.

Not a Me that was born from a random array of this-or-thats (boy or girl, black or white, rich or poor, big or small).

Because yes, I was manufactured. But I left the warehouse, and then I was free to start running on my own batteries.

Batteries of many colours, changing their power all the time.

Letting me know who I AM right now and what I want.

I peeled off my Lot Number sticker long ago.

The moment I knew I had a superpower – the power of free will choice.

 It’s also neither useful nor rewarding to be a Me that anyone tells me I ought to be.

They are welcome to be that.

And so I use my superpower to be the Me I am at any given moment.

Free from the point of manufacture long ago,

free from the recommendations of others along the way,

I am the Me I feel, blazing bright, in the centre of my chest. That’s where my batteries are.

No higher, no lower. Right in the centre of my chest.

Because that’s where they need to be – close to my wings.

I choose to be the Me I am right now, from that burning, active, ever-present place that is the source of my Truth:

pure, simple, direct, genuine, sincere.

To act, to be, to speak from anywhere else would not be being the Me I am.

I am proud to be the authentic and free Me that I am.

And that is the Me I choose to be.


To find out more about the world of Helius, please check out the Intro.

Heed This...

If you are a TLDR (“too long, didn’t read”) person,

the chances are that you won’t be able to handle it around here for too long.

Words are my treasure map, on my quest to better living and being.

And I use a lot of them!

Both to help me find my way to the hidden depths of my very soul and self,

and to explain and describe what’s really important to me. 

And some of it might even be very important to you, too.

If you understand the power that words (especially your own) have over your emotions,

and if you then understand the magic that can come

from you feeling at your very best, deep within your unique core…

If you know (or wish to learn or fully rediscover, re-integrate and remember)

that words often influence much more than we realise in this realm,

therefore we must harness them wisely…

…then this nucleus of enunciation and pronunciation on the web,

from a nunciate who might just have the missing piece you’re looking for

in the creation of your own epic life,

might be the very place your soul has been craving…

Welcome, word-wielding warrior…

it’s going to be a wayward wander through a wonderful world of wonder… 

…within YOU!

P.S. And yes, I also occasionally but indulgently enjoy an almost obsessive and decadent overuse of the lusciously anticipatory ellipsis… and I feel not a trace of shame about it, for my every script is my own to write…